Natječaj za volontere – Tender for volunteering

Udruga Zaželi raspisuje natječaj za volontiranje u sklopu projekta Jačanje mladih i djece s invaliditetom za proaktivno djelovanje i povećanje građanske participacije financiranog od strane Fonda za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj i traži 5 volontera koji će pomoći u provedbi projektnih aktivnosti.

Naziv volonterskog mjesta:

Pomoćnik u provedbi projektnih aktivnosti i pružanju podrške djeci i mladima OSI

Opis volonterske pozicije i trajanje:

  • Mapiranje trenutnog stanja i uključenosti djece i mladih OSI u građanski angažman (90 sati)
  • Pružanje podrške i pomoći djeci i mladima OSI tijekom sudjelovanja u 10-dnevnom treningu (50 sati )
  • Samostalna provedba treninga u 1 OCD-u koji se bavi ranjivim skupinama na temelju izrađenog programa, a na temu aktivnog građanstva (25 sati)
  • Pružanje podrške mladima i djeci OSI tijekom sudjelovanja u strukturiranom dijalogu (20 sati)

Ukupno volonterskih sati: 185

Trajanje: 2. – 8. mjeseca 2023.

Odabrani volonteri će proći odgovarajuću obuku za potrebe opisanog posla.

Volonterima će se osigurati trošak toplog obroka tijekom samostalne provedbe treninga.

Prijave slati putem linka:

Natječaj traje do 10. rujna 2022.

Ukratko o projektu:

Ciljne skupine projekta su 10 mladih i 10 djece oštećena vida i 10 mladih i 10 djece oštećena sluha između 7 i 25 god. Navedeni su marginalizirani što zbog neznanja okoline u kojoj borave, što zbog manjkavosti sustava jer im često nisu osigurani uvjeti za ravnopravno sudjelovanje.

Iako se aktivno zagovaraju promjene koje će poboljšati njihov položaj u društvu, u pravilu ih se izostavlja iz tog procesa i zagovara se u njihovo ime jer su ili premladi ili ne posjeduju potrebne vještine.

Upravo nepostojanje programa koji će ojačati njihove građanske kompetencije i aktivno ih uključiti u građanski angažman detektirali smo kao ključni problem. Kako bismo spriječili daljnju marginalizaciju odlučili smo ih ojačati i to razvojem programa za jačanje njihovih građanskih vještina, provedbom strukturiranog dijaloga gdje su isti u ulozi zagovarača te volonterskim programom.

Glavni cilj projekta je povećanje aktivnog sudjelovanja OSI za stvaranje inkluzivnije budućnosti; ojačati građanske kompetencije za 20 djece i 20 mladih OSI, osnažiti mlade i djecu OSI za samostalno pokretanje inicijativa i angažirano djelovanje i ojačati volonterski angažman u radu OCD-a.

Projekt “Jačanje mladih i djece za proaktivno djelovanje i povećanje građanske participacije” je podržan sa 28,298.20€ financijske podrške Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP grantova.

Vrijeme trajanja projekta: 15 mjeseci (1.8.22.-31.10.23.)

Broj volontera: 5

Wish Association announces a tender for volunteering as part of the project “Strengthening young people and children with disabilities for proactive action and increasing civic participation” financed by Norwegian funds and is looking for 5 volunteers who will help in the implementation of project activities.

Name of the volunteer position: Assistant in implementing project activities and providing support to children and youth with

Description of the volunteer position and duration:

  • Mapping the current state and involvement of children and young people with disabilities in civic engagement (90 hours)
  • Providing support and assistance to children and young people with disabilities during their participation in the 10-day training (50 hours)
  • Independent implementation of training in 1 NGO that deals with vulnerable groups based on of the developed program, and on the topic of active citizenship (25 hours)
  • Providing support to youth and children with disabilities during participation in a structured dialogue (20 hours)

Total volunteer hours: 185

Duration: 2 – 8 months 2023.

Selected volunteers will undergo appropriate training for the needs of the described work.

Volunteers will be provided with the cost of a hot meal during the independent implementation of the training.

Send applications via the link:

The competition lasts until September 10, 2022.

Target groups of the project are 10 young people and 10 visually impaired children and 10 young people and 10 hearing impaired children between the ages od 7 and 25. The aforementioned children and youth are marginalized, either because of ignorance of their social environment or systems deficiencies as they are often not provided with equal participation conditions.

Although changes that will improve their position in society are actively advocated, as a rule they are left out of the process and advocated on their behalf because they are either too young or do not possess the necessary skills to so themselves.

The key problem is a lack of programs that should strengthen their civic competences and actively involve them in civic engagement. To prevent further marginalization, we decided to strengthen them by developing a program to strengthen their civic skills, by implementing a structured dialogue where they play the role of advocates and by a volunteer program.

The main goal of the project is to increase the active participation of PWDs to create a more inclusive future; to strengthen civic competences for 20 children and 20 young people with disabilities, to empower young people and children with disabilities to independently initiate initiatives and engage in active activities and to strengthen volunteer engagement in the work of CSOs.

The project “Strenghtening young people and children with disabilities for proactive action and increasing civic participation” is supported by €28,298.20 of financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the EEA grants.

Duration of the project: 15 months (1.8.22.-31.10.23.)

Number of volunteers: 5