Sa zadovoljstvom Vas obavještavamo kako je Udruzi Zaželi odobren još jedan projekt, ovaj puta od strane Norveških fondova.
Projektom Jačanje mladih i djece s invaliditetom za proaktivno djelovanje i povećanje građanske participacije obuhvaćena su djeca i mlade osobe s oštećenjem vida i sluha između 7 i 25 godina.
Kada je riječ o djeci i mladima i građanskom angažmanu, a posebno kada su ta djeca i mladi pripadnici marginaliziranih skupina, često ih se participira kao subjekt za koji se zagovara, a da taj subjekt zapravo niti ne sudjeluje u samom procesu zagovaranja.
Kako bi se spriječila daljnja marginalizacija, kroz posebno osmišljene aktivnosti raditi će se na jačanju njihovih građanskih vještina provedbom strukturiranog dijaloga gdje su isti u ulozi zagovarača. Uključivanjem djece i mladih s invaliditetom u zagovaračke aktivnosti lakše će se detektirati njihove stvarne potrebe, kao i najučinkovitija rješenja.
Svjesni da se s istim problemom susreću ostala marginalizirana djeca i mladi (djeca i mladi ostalih nacionalnosti, djeca i mladi iz ruralnih područja, lošijeg socio-ekonomskog statusa…), kao rezultat projekta iznijeti će se Program osposobljavanja djece i mladih s invaliditetom za građanski angažman koji će se moći širiti, prilagođavati i prenositi u druge lokalne zajednice, druge organizacije i za druge ciljne skupine, a da ima isti učinak – jačanje socijalnih, komunikacijskih i zagovaračkih vještina kako bi mogli samostalno zagovarati svoja prava u budućnosti.
Projekt se provodi u partnerstvu s Udrugom Kozlići, Centrom za razvoj vrijednosti i Udrugom (na)gluhih osoba Videatur – organizacijama civilnog društva koje djeluju s istim ciljem kao i nositelj projekta, a to je povećanje kvalitete života osoba s invaiditetom i njihova integracija u zajednicu.
Projekt se provodi u trajanju od 15 mjeseci (01.08.2022. – 31.10.2023.), a financiran je sredstvima Norveških fondova u iznosu od 28.298,20 eura.
Za više informacija o projektu pratite i dalje naše stranice ili kontaktirajte koordinatoricu projekta Veroniku Janković (091 9182 362).
We are pleased to inform you that the Wish Association (Udruga Zaželi) has been approved for another project, this time by Norwegian funds.
The project “Strengthening young people and children with disabilities for proactive action and increasing civic participation” includes children and young people with visual and hearing impairment between the ages of 7 and 25.
When it comes to children and youth and civic engagement, and especially when these children and youth are members of marginalized groups, they often participate as a subject for which they are advocating, without that subject actually participating in the advocacy process itself.
In order to prevent further marginalization, through specially designed activities, work will be done to strengthen their civic skills by implementing a structured dialogue where they themselves play the role of advocates. By including children and young people with disabilities in advocacy activities, it will be easier to detect their real needs, as well as the most effective solutions.
Aware that the same problem is faced by other marginalized children and young people (children and young people of other nationalities, children and young people from rural areas, poor socio-economic status…), as a result of the project the Program for training children and young people with disabilities for civic engagement will be presented which will be able to be expanded, adapted and transferred to other local communities, other organizations and for other target groups, while having the same effect – strengthening social, communication and advocacy skills so that they can independently advocate for their rights in the future.
The project is implemented in partnership with the Kozlići Association, Value Development Center and the Association of (Deaf) Videatur – civil society organizations that work with the same goal as the project holder, which is to increase the quality of life of people with disabilities and their integration into the community.
The project “Strengthening youth and children with disabilities for proactive action and increasing civic participation” is supported by €28,298.20 of financial support from Iceland,Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of EEA grants.
The project is being implemented for 15 months (August 1, 2022 – October 31, 2023).
For more information about the project, continue to follow our pages or contact the project coordinator Veronika Janković (091 9182 362).